Sunday, August 31, 2008

Seminole Paintings - Small Format Art KeROBinson

First in the "SEMINOLE LADIES" -
I now have a collector in Czechoslovakia for these ladies! Very cool since she did not know anything about the Seminole Indians of Florida!
All of these so far are available since I've only sold larger canvas works so far. They are numbered clever! ha! So if ya see one you want, just let me know the # / position on the series.
The paintings on canvas are higher, but I am offering these 4x6 on 300lb wc paper for $25. or auctions starting at $9.97 (theRobGallery on eBay).
These will all be in sets of nine and only ORIGINAL PAINTINGS. I do not sell prints.
Search OSWOA for 4x6" original artwork!

Search SFA , (Small Format Art), art under 14" in any one direction.
If you like collecting original art in small format, search SFA there are a whole lot of talented artists in this category! :)
If you're an artist, just email me for an invitation to Jillian Crider's SFA art group!

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