Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Toucans and Cats

Just completed, "Kittens and Toucans" a 5x7" collage painting inspired by the colorful art of Laurel Burch!
I collect Laurel Burch latté and coffee mugs and other LB items. I can never have too much LB, and her influence has shown up in my own evolving cats! 
 Hope they bring you JOY!
PS.  For a limited time, email subscribers (upper lefthand box) will receive as a thank you 'original art card' in the mail!  I try to be diligent and post any 'specials' here to give a heads up to those who like my art.  
You have to enter your email in upper left hand box for me to know that you subscribed, (sorry, subscribing to posts is not an email subscription).

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