Basically this is all just made up on the fly while I was in JoAnn's Fabrics,
so you may have to experiment around little! :)
- Craft Fur Fabric for Rudolf's head.
I bought a 1/2 yd. (60"width) which was enough to make these all the way through college, LOL! ( I made 42 and used less than two strips that were approx 2.5" wide).
- Felt for snout / nose - matches fur. I cut a 1/2 inch rectangle and folded it into a tent for top of nose bridge.
- Red PomPom for nose tip. Dab of glue and place on top of felt. (see pictures).
- Wiggle eyes - Attach with a dot of glue.
- Pipe Cleaners - One for each reindeer, folded in half and each side bent into 'points' (you have to play around with this). This will be tucked into top of fur rolled /folded around the pencil with a dab of glue.
- Craft Glue is tackier than Elmer's and seems to hold better.
- Duh...Pencils!
This will let the longer hairs grow over the edge of cut strip instead of being wacked into a blunt cut!
(see how fur is hanging below the fabric in pic?)
Google this (how to cut fur fabric) for clearer instructions, LOL!
Divide this strip into , oh maybe 3 inches (see picture with cutting lines drawn on strip).
Add glue to fur piece and wrap pencil. (see pic). IMPORTANT: Make sure the fur is growing DOWN before you glue onto the pencil. ;) LOL! or you will have a different kind of animal , LOL!
Put a drop of glue onto red pompom and place on top of felt tent and position on front of face. ( I had to pre-glue and dry the nose snouts to keep them in a tent shape)
Add Eyes with a drop of glue.
Fold PipeCleaner Antlers and tuck into top.
Feel free to comment adding any improvements or suggestions / ideas for others or even just to clarify what I have tried to explain! Do in any order that works best for you, LOL!
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