Friday, July 9, 2010

Florida Coastlne accepting donations for Gulf Cleanup training

Florida Coastline
BP tell us that they provide the training online. It is a 4 hour certificate. So it does not get you the level of safety you need.
We would like to raise the funds to pay for anyone who wants the training but can not afford to pay the fee.
Went to the claims center in Naples. They will not pay for the class unless you are a BP employee or a ... See Moregovernment agency wanting to train staff. Most of the officials I spoke to do not trust BP and do not want to take a chance. The fee is actually $150 less than the lowest 40 hour class we can find. The online classes do not insure total understanding of the Hazmat protection wear and who knows who is actually taking the test. Too many variables. We recommend the FEMA classes online they are not as safety related and are more to do with procedure. We want people to be safe in the clean up...period.
(above is quoted from Florida Coastline FaceBook page.) Check out their eBay listings....if you can't volunteer, maybe you can give a small donation to help pay for volunteers who cannot afford the tuition.

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