Just want to share a nice place to visit!
The McCarthy Wildlife Sanctuary is an off the beaten path from the regular touristy spots to see and learn about Lions and Tigers and Bears OH MY! Well, no bears. :)
I took my guest there this past week and you get an UP CLOSE and personal tour by appointment only. Totally Worth It, don't forget to stop by the gift shop to help support the care and feeding of the big guys....they are HUGE meat eaters, but not to worry, they are well fed before tour time. >wink<
Anyway, like most artists, I am inspired and just can't wait to get in the studio and paint! Here's what I have, hope you like! :)

Plus, ssssspppttt...I have an upcoming MUSEUM exhibition!
OMG! Yes, I can't believe my luck...more later!
Hope Everyone is having a nice Summer!