Since I have starting painting I have amassed quite a collection of original art,
mostly mine but, also other artists that paint on paper/un-stretched canvas/illustration board, something flat so that I can file it in archival portfolios or photo albums! ( I know, run-on sentence!)
This is a great way to add to or start an Art Collection at an affordable level!
Some of my favorite artists only paint gigantic 3-6 ft paintings for $12,000.
I have neither the room or the pocket book for that!
You can always buy a print but sorry, prints just don't cut it once you've had the experience of owning an Original. Especially with textured work like mine.
Anyway, art enriches our lives & should be affordable for everyone!
I mean ya gotta start sometime right? ;)
By buying & collecting smaller works, it makes it easier for the average collector to buy his/her favorite artists!
Here are a few of my collections on paper & also one for sale at
http://KeRobinson.com or
you can alway check eBay for some amazing artists!